Results for 'John C. Vander Stelt'

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  1.  25
    A. Troost, Theologie of Filosofie? Een antwoord op 'Kritische aantekeningen bij de wijsbegeerte der wetsidee' van dr. J. Douma, Uitgeversmaatschappij J.H. Kok, Kampen, 1978. [REVIEW]John C. Vander Stelt - 1980 - Philosophia Reformata 45 (2):186-188.
  2. Kuyper's semi-mystical conception.John C.‘ Vander Stelt - 1973 - Philosophia Reformata 38:178-190.
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    A. Troost, Vakfilosofie van de geloofswetenschap. Prolegomena van de theologie. Budel 2004: Damon. 484 pages. ISBN 9055735027. [REVIEW]John C. Vander Stelt - 2005 - Philosophia Reformata 70 (1):88-90.
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    John C. Vander Stelt, Philosophy and Scripture. A study in Old Princeton and Westminster Theology. Diss. V.U. 1978. Mack Publishing Company, Marlton, NJ, USA. [REVIEW]A. Troost - 1984 - Philosophia Reformata 49 (2):164-167.
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  5. Professional Decision-Making in Research : The Validity of a New Measure.Michael D. Mumford, Alison L. Antes, Kari A. Baldwin, Jillon S. Vander Wal, Raymond C. Tait, John T. Chibnall & James M. DuBois - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (2):391-416.
    In this paper, we report on the development and validity of the Professional Decision-Making in Research measure, a vignette-based test that examines decision-making strategies used by investigators when confronted with challenging situations in the context of empirical research. The PDR was administered online with a battery of validity measures to a group of NIH-funded researchers and research trainees who were diverse in terms of age, years of experience, types of research, and race. The PDR demonstrated adequate reliability and parallel form (...)
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    Boekbesprekingen.Peter Nissen, Th C. de Kruijf, B. Dehandschutter, José Declerck, Hans Goddijn, J. A. B. Jongeneel, R. G. W. Huysmans, Caroline Vander Stichele, Freda Dröes, E. Beurskens, G. Rouwhorst, H. Bleijendaal, J. W. Hacking, Joh G. Hahn, Johan G. Hahn & John G. Hahn - 1986 - Bijdragen 47 (2):212-228.
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    Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy: Volume Xi: 1993.C. C. W. Taylor (ed.) - 1993 - Clarendon Press.
    Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy is an annual publication which includes original articles, which may be of substantial length, on a wide range of topics in ancient philosophy, and review articles of major books. Contributors to this volume; Paul A. Vander Waerdt, Christopher Rowe, Rachel Rue, Paula Gottlieb, Robert Bolton, and John M. Cooper.
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  8.  14
    Game Theory, Experience, Rationality: Foundations of Social Sciences, Economics and Ethics in honor of John C. Harsanyi.John C. Harsanyi, Werner Leinfellner & Eckehart Köhler - 1998 - Springer Verlag.
    When von Neumann's and Morgenstern's Theory of Games and Economic Behavior appeared in 1944, one thought that a complete theory of strategic social behavior had appeared out of nowhere. However, game theory has, to this very day, remained a fast-growing assemblage of models which have gradually been united in a new social theory - a theory that is far from being completed even after recent advances in game theory, as evidenced by the work of the three Nobel Prize winners, (...) F. Nash, John C. Harsanyi, and Reinhard Selten. Two of them, Harsanyi and Selten, have contributed important articles to the present volume. This book leaves no doubt that the game-theoretical models are on the right track to becoming a respectable new theory, just like the great theories of the twentieth century originated from formerly separate models which merged in the course of decades. For social scientists, the age of great discover ies is not over. The recent advances of today's game theory surpass by far the results of traditional game theory. For example, modem game theory has a new empirical and social foundation, namely, societal experiences; this has changed its methods, its "rationality. " Morgenstern (I worked together with him for four years) dreamed of an encompassing theory of social behavior. With the inclusion of the concept of evolution in mathematical form, this dream will become true. Perhaps the new foundation will even lead to a new name, "conflict theory" instead of "game theory. (shrink)
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    Divine Love and Wisdom.John C. Ager (ed.) - 1995 - Swedenborg Foundation Publishers.
    For Swedish visionary Emanuel Swedenborg, God's love and wisdom is the basis for everything that happens in the world, from creation itself to the details of our everyday existence. In this volume, he describes the nature of God and heaven and how they relate to our human existence. This edition is a reprint of an 1885 translation by John C. Ager.
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  10. LANGUAGE John C. McGalliard.John C. McGalliard - 1941 - In Norman Foerster, John Calvin McGalliard, René Wellek, Austin Warren & Wilbur Schramm, Literary scholarship. Chapel Hill,: The University of North Carolina Press. pp. 33.
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    Revolutionary Christianity: The 1966 South American Lectures by John Howard Yoder, and: John Howard Yoder: Spiritual Writings by John Howard Yoder.John C. Shelley - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (2):210-213.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Revolutionary Christianity: The 1966 South American Lectures by John Howard Yoder, and: John Howard Yoder: Spiritual Writings by John Howard YoderJohn C. ShelleyRevolutionary Christianity: The 1966 South American Lectures John Howard Yoder. Edited by Paul Martens, Mark Thiessen Nation, Matthew Porter, and Myles Werntz eugene, or: cascade books, 2011. 193 pp. $18.00John Howard Yoder: Spiritual Writings John Howard Yoder. Selected with an Introduction (...)
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  12. The politics of yhwh: John Howard Yoder's old testament narration and its implications for social ethics.John C. Nugent - 2011 - Journal of Religious Ethics 39 (1):71-99.
    The apparent tension between the moral codes of the Old and New Testaments constitutes a perennial problem for Christian ethics. Scholars who have taken this problem seriously have often done so in ways that presume sharp discontinuity between the Testaments. They then proceed to devise a system for identifying what is or is not relevant today, or what pertains to this or that particular social sphere. John Howard Yoder brings fresh perspectives to this perennial problem by refuting the presumption (...)
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  13. The Self and its Brain: An Argument for Interactionism.John C. Eccles & Karl Popper - 1977 - Routledge.
    The relation between body and mind is one of the oldest riddles that has puzzled mankind. That material and mental events may interact is accepted even by the law: our mental capacity to concentrate on the task can be seriously reduced by drugs. Physical and chemical processes may act upon the mind; and when we are writing a difficult letter, our mind acts upon our body and, through a chain of physical events, upon the mind of the recipient of the (...)
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  14.  16
    The works of John Locke: a comprehensive bibliography from the seventeenth century to the present.John C. Attig - 1985 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    This bibliography is a comprehensive listing of published works by John Locke, including all known editions and translations of his works, abridgments and selections in anthologies and several works which he edited or translated, from the first editions to the present. It covers not only the works published during Locke's lifetime, but also those printed from the voluminous manuscripts he left behind at his death in 1704. In addition, Locke's works are set in their original controversial context: entries are (...)
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  15. Sir John Hicks.John C. Wood (ed.) - 2006 - Routledge.
    Sir John Hicks is one of the most important and influential economists of the twentieth century. Awarded the Nobel Prize for economics in 1972, he has made contributions across a wide range of economic theory, writing some twenty books. Arguably the most important of these, _Value and Capital_, is seen as the roots of modern microeconomics and general equilibrium theory. Hicks possessed an unusual ability to synthesize the ideas of other economists – something that is evident in his invention (...)
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  16.  35
    Alexander Richardson's Philosophy of Art and the Sources of the Puritan Social Ethic.John C. Adams - 1989 - Journal of the History of Ideas 50 (2):227-247.
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    Unlearning and relearning.John C. Abra & Dianne Roberts - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (2):334.
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  18. Hope, truth, and rhetoric : prophecy and pragmatism in service of feminism's cause.John C. Adams - 2010 - In Marianne Janack, Feminist Interpretations of Richard Rorty. Pennsylvania State University Press.
  19.  33
    Prolegomena to Any Future Criticism Which Shall Claim to Make Sense.John C. Sherwood - 1980 - Critical Inquiry 6 (4):681-689.
    The principle of selection necessarily follows if we accept that a poem is a verbal structure of a very complex kind involving the interaction of all kinds of elements—ideas, images, rhythms, rhetorical features, narrative, logical patterns, whatever. The possible relationships among all these elements seem infinite or at least, in Frye's phrase, unlimited. Hence, a definitive critique of any work seems, even in theory, impossible. It is hard to see how the human mind could consciously contemplate, much less articulate, all (...)
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    The Invention of Art History in Ancient Greece: Religion, Society, and Artistic Rationalisation (review).John C. McEnroe - 2007 - American Journal of Philology 128 (3):423-427.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Invention of Art History in Ancient Greece: Religion, Society, and Artistic RationalisationJohn C. McEnroeJeremy Tanner. The Invention of Art History in Ancient Greece: Religion, Society, and Artistic Rationalisation. Cambridge Classical Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. xvi + 331 pp. 62 black-and-white ills. Cloth, $99.In his introductory chapter, Jeremy Tanner quotes J. J. Winckelmann's eighteenth-century description of the Apollo Belvedere: "Among all the works of antiquity which (...)
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  21.  67
    Acceptance of empirical statements: A Bayesian theory without cognitive utilities.John C. Harsanyi - 1985 - Theory and Decision 18 (1):1-30.
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    Should anyone say forever?: On making, keeping, and breaking commitments.John C. Haughey - 1975 - Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday.
    An important book, one that can truly be called seminal. --America In a popular, informal style, the Jesuit author of many theological books and articles explores the question of interpersonal commitments . . . His book should do much to clarify a great deal of muddy thinking on a critical issue. --Library Journal Haughey is not addressing one life-style, but is writing for all, since all of us are committed to someone or something. His book is carefully written and deserves (...)
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    Keeping Modern Man in Mind.John C. McCarthy - 1999 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1999 (116):175-187.
    It is now a commonplace that premodern reflection, whether mythical, philosophical, or theological, was terminally “anthropomorphic,” given to the erroneous supposition that the human shape offers genuine insight into the shape of everything else.1 It is also commonly assumed that modern philosophy distinguishes itself from its precursors by placing the human being at the center of its concerns. Thus Kant, for example, claimed that the question “what is man?” recapitulates the whole of systematic philosophical inquiry.2 First impressions notwithstanding, these two (...)
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  24. Clumsy Construction in Mark's Gospel: A Critique of Form—and Redaktionsgeschichte.John C. Meagher - 1979
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    An Overview of FDA, IRBs and Regulations.John C. Petricciani - 1981 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 3 (10):1.
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    (1 other version)William James and B. F. Skinner: Behaviorism, Reinforcement, and Interest.John C. Malone - 1975 - Behaviorism 3 (2):140-151.
    Discusses similarities and differences between James and Skinner and criticizes Skinner for failing to provide an adequate description of complex behaviors. Similarities include opposition to a dualistic approach in which mind and body are seen as qualitatively different, and to the notion that mental phenomena are causal entities. In addition, there is agreement that mental events are actions and not copies of external reality. Skinner is criticized for providing an over-simplified account of complex phenomena and translating such a description to (...)
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    Introduction of John M. Rist, 2014 Aquinas Medal Recipient.John C. McCarthy - 2014 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 88:13-16.
  28. Amartya Sen: Critical Assessments of Contemporary Economists.John C. Wood & Robert D. Wood (eds.) - 2007 - Routledge.
    This new Major Work from Routledge is a five-volume collection of the key critical assessments of Amartya Sen, probably best known for his work on famine, human development and welfare economics. Sen is one of the few modern academics who has commanded much respect and recognition from across the intellectual spectrum. His work—for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1998—simultaneously embraces social choice theory and economic development, thus breaking the barrier between mathematized ‘high theory’ and ‘real world’ economics. (...)
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    The Patient Self‐Determination Act: Yes.John C. Fletcher - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (5):33-35.
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  30. Fountain of Justice.John C. H. Wu - 1959
  31. Cardinal welfare, individualistic ethics, and interpersonal comparisons of utility.John C. Harsanyi - 1955 - Journal of Political Economy 63 (4):309--321.
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    The coherence of the double standard.John C. Bigelow & Alonso Church - 1983 - Analysis 43 (4):212.
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  33. Inmadurez moral y comportamiento antiocial.John C. Gibbs - 2010 - Postconvencionales: Ética, Universidad, Democracia 2:21-56.
    En primer lugar, este artículo ofrece una breve sinopsis del acervo disponible en el área del desarrollo moral, una visión que combina las contribuciones de Lawrence Kohlberg y de Martin L. Hoffman a esta área. Luego, reconociendo que para explicar el comportamiento moral se necesitan constructos o variables adicionales, se centra sobre los avances que yo y un buen número de colegas y colaboradores hemos alcanzado en cuanto a la comprensión y tratamiento del comportamiento antisocial en jóvenes. Esto incluye una (...)
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  34.  42
    Fire on the Earth: Anselm Kiefer and the Postmodern World.John C. Gilmour - 1992 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 50 (2):164-165.
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    Sentimentalism, Interracial Romance, and Helen Hunt Jackson and Clorinda Matto de Turner’s Attacks on Abuses of Native Americans in Ramona and Aves sin nido.John C. Havard - 2007 - Intertexts 11 (2):101-121.
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    Functional and Neural Mechanisms for Eye Gaze Processing.Kevin Pelphrey & Brent C. Vander Wyk - 2011 - In Andy Calder, Gillian Rhodes, Mark Johnson & Jim Haxby, Oxford Handbook of Face Perception. Oxford University Press.
    The capacity to extract socially relevant information from faces is fundamental to normal reciprocal social interactions and communication. The psychophysical evidence reviewed here demonstrates that humans possess a perceptual apparatus sensitive enough to detect the visual features which are informative of gaze in many face-to-face situations. This article provides evidence for the existence of three functionally and neuroanatomically dissociable eye gaze processing systems. Eye gaze also represents a class of biological motion cues, which engage the posterior superior temporal sulcus for (...)
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  37.  10
    Mining the Fields: Farm Workers Fight Back.John C. Leggett - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Chapter 1 Preface Chapter 2 Introduction Chapter 3 The Size of The Slice Chapter 4 The Imperial Legacy: Racism and Omission of Triumph Chapter 5 Organizing The Unorganized: Combatting The Grower and The Labor Contractor Chapter 6 Taking It On The Chin and Fighting Back: Defensive and Offensive Strikes Chapter 7 Conclusions: Tactics Out of The Past For the Future Chapter 8 Appendix A: Mining The Fields: The Tindals and Migratory Farm Labor Chapter 9 Footnotes Chapter 10 Photograph Credits Chapter (...)
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  38.  31
    The being of the maybe: Husserl on doubting.John C. McCarthy - 1995 - Man and World 28 (3):261-281.
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    A Reply to Professor Duff.John C. Rolfe - 1916 - The Classical Review 30 (08):238-239.
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    Nietzsche's homecoming.John C. Sallis - 1969 - Man and World 2 (1):108-116.
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    Michiel van Lambalgen. Independence, randomness and the axiom of choice. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 57 , pp. 1274–1304.John C. Simms - 1994 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 59 (4):1433-1434.
  42. The Gambler's Fallacy: A Further Note.John C. Simopoulos - 1955 - Analysis 15 (4):94 - 96.
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    Effect of stimulus area and intensity upon the light-adapted electroretinogram.John C. Armington & Frederick C. Thiede - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (5):329.
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    (1 other version)Nature and precision.John C. Begg - 1942 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 20 (1):30 – 45.
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    Collected works of John Stuart mill; volume X — essays on ethics, religion and society.John C. Hall - 1970 - Philosophical Books 11 (3):28-30.
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    God and Possible Worlds.John C. Wingard - 2018 - Philosophia Christi 20 (1):139-154.
    In this essay I consider how God is related to possible worlds from a classically evangelical and Reformed perspective, contending that God’s essential perfections determine what is genuinely possible. I then consider briefly three views that take God to be a significant delimiter of possible worlds and offer some defense of one of those views, the view that there are many genuinely possible worlds that are equally and unsurpassably good and that God might have chosen to actualize. I conclude by (...)
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  47. Verse: California Poppies.John C. Vivian - 1949 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 30 (4):375.
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  48. Custom in Hume's politics and economics.John C. Laursen - 2018 - In Angela Michelle Coventry & Alex Sager, _The Humean Mind_. New York: Routledge.
  49. Luke's Portrait of Paul.John C. Lentz - 1993
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  50.  99
    Proper Functionalism, Reliability, and Degrees of Epistemic Warrant.John C. Wingard - 1999 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 37 (4):653-664.
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